Well as you all know it was confirmed the other week that as well as being dyslexic dj also has dyspraxia.
I thought it would be good to write a post on what i already know from researching and being told.
Apologies as this post will be quite long.
Dyspraxia is also known as development coordination disorder, or dcd for short, it is a disabillity which effects the persons movements and coordination. Their is very little known of what causes dyspraxia but it has been said that it could be linked to early labour, family history of dyspraxia, mother drinking and or taking drugs during pregnancy as well as a low birth weight.
In people with dyspraxia they say that the motor neurones in the brain haven't developed properly, so they cant send the electrial signal from the brain to the muscle as they should do.
Around 10% of the population have dyspraxia, and its more likely to effect males, their is also no cure, it is said some may grow out of it, others dont.
Dyspraxia is often linked to one or more of the following, autisum, add, adhd, weak muscles and dyslexia.
Dj has with his weak muscles and servere dyslexia.
Their are various symptons and signs some sufferers have many symtons others only a few.
Struggle to sit and keep still.
Struggle with hand writting.
Struggle using cutlery.
Problems concentrating.
Struggle with buttons, zips and laces.
Make funny noises, flap and fidget with arms, legs, fingers, hands and feet.
Struggle to throw, catch and kick ball.
Sensitive to texture, touch.
Problems with brushing hair and teeth, washing themselves and wiping after being to the toilet.
Problems dealing with emotions, more sensitive than others.
That is just a few of the symptons but their are many more, it is said that no 2 sufferers are the same.
Being dyspraxic does not mean you arent clever in fact it is said that people with it often have a high verbal IQ.
Dj doesnt like that he has dyslexia and dyspraxia and weak muscle tone, and is finding it a little hard and confusing at the momment, i believe thats because things are all changing, which he doesnt like, i am lucky in a way as he doesn't have behaviour problems, but he is extremly sensitive so i have to be careful when i talk to him and the way i do.
I will post again soon about how the dyspraxia, dyslexia and muscle tone effects DJ, and myself and ruby, as well as what help he gets at home and in school