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MAD Blog Awards

Friday 21 December 2012


OMG I cannot believe how fast christmas has come around, I've not stopped the past few weeks
I've been shopping, wrapping presents, activity's to attend in my son's school as well as trying to keep on top of everything in the house and have a good clear out of both the kids toys and clothes, It's been absolutely crazy.

I went to watch my son last week in his school concert, my mum and step-dad also came along with some family members from my son's side of the family, It was his first christmas concert in his new primary school and he was a party kid.
I have to say I was so proud of him watching him sing and dance with a big smile on his face, He did brilliant, but was so tired by the time it finished as he is normally in bed at 7pm on a school night and it was just after 8pm on us getting home.

I have had some lovely cards and decorations made by DJ in school, which I will add pictures of later on as my camera is at my mums as im writing this.

I have got all my presents wrapped and hidden ready to put out on christmas eve, Tomorrow im of out to do a food shop so that I won't have to go out and do it through the holidays and can have some quality time with the kids.

I'm looking forward to christmas eve, as we lock the doors early and will be having an easy tea, followed by a bath and pj's on, the snuggles on the sofa whilst watching a film before the kids go to bed.
Christmas day is also going to be great, as we're having friends and family over for dinner, we will cook between 3 houses but all sit down together, at the last count their was 12 of us, we're still unsure what a few are doing, their maybe 15 of us altogether and it's my house we're all eating in as I have the most room, the best bit about this is that I don't have to do any cleaning afterwards as everyone else does it, which means I'll be able to sit on the sofa with all the kids ad watch a film.

I hope you all have a brilliant christmas and wish you all the best, love, luck and happiness for 2013

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